Thursday, February 27, 2014

Easing On Down the Road

As supply of the new rag outpaced
Its demand – Look! Its value erased!
Great disaster in ranks
If still held in the banks
And the greenback’s completely debased.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Knock 'Em Dead

The old joke goes this way: “Hey! Knock, knock!”
Comes the query, “Who’s there?” like a clock.
And the set: “I’m a boo.”
Response: “I’m a boo WHO?”
“You sure are!” - as they chase ‘round the block.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Knocking Around

Port prop engine had started to knock,
And some birds swooped on past- a big flock!-
I thought it unfair
They were lighter than air
As I fast approached cliffs made of chalk.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine’s – National Day of Blackmail and Intimidation

“Do you love me?” she asks ALL. The. Time.
“If you do, then this list is what I’m
Looking for you to do
To prove your love is true,
‘Specially if it takes every last dime.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Maxine's Rhymer Primer

from 14 Feb 2013 - Valentine’s Day

(inspired by a friend's gift of a cartoon calendar note, featuring "Maxine" saying, "There is a poet within me trying to find words that rhyme with ‘crap’.")

I must say at the start, you are full of hot crap

When I want your opinion, I’ll ask you, you sap

But until that time comes, why, it don’t take no map

To point out the deficiencies riddling your pap

With a brain that’s hard-wired (and because you’re no chap)

An attempt to stop talking would make your mind snap

From the morn until sundown I hear your lips flap

And am mightily tempted to give them a slap

But you just might consider that too light a rap

So a much better choice is a ball with a strap

If I’m still too unclear ‘bout your constant "yap, yap"

Let me say it out plain… here it goes…

Shut Yer Trap!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Plan Unraveled

His scheme was the slightest bit frayed
For, in truth, he had simply parlayed
His initial small stash
Into promise of cash—
The result – how you say? – much clichéd.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Classic Seafood Differently

Off-course sailors became sore afraid
Hearing mermaid’s laugh, splash, serenade.
Foggy night, lost, they drifted—
Next morn, when it lifted,
On rocks they were found well-filleted.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waiting For The Lights To Come On

Changing light bulbs – the task for today;
Whole departments wade into the fray.
Like big moths, they are drawn,
Hoping lights will come on;
And when done, back to mad disarray.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Career, or Avocation?

Oh, they bicker! True grammarist scene—
Out of six, only one intact spleen!
As they verbally maul
The poor word “overhaul,”
Fearsome sound! First career, then careen!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Silver Princess House Tongs

(from 29 Jul 2013)

On my riding partner, Jer, finding road-kill kitchenware while on a ride; speculation on how the tongs came to be on the side of the road.

Plated shiny and bright as a part of the set;
On the table they shone, pretty hard to forget
Silver Princess House tongs.

Oh, the party went well; there were salads and drink
And some great conversation for those who still think—
(ok,… smallest of throngs.)

Time elapsed and the guests (some like waddling ducks)
Watched the food service go into catering trucks
At the sound of the gongs.

Tongs were placed high on roof while the cooks ducked inside,
Placing items just so, so on turns they don’t slide,
Hurting after-work bongs.

Party’s packed – truck’s away! – When the tongs hit the ground
Not a one saw the flash, they were fast homeward bound
Singing happiness songs.

Then… a day or two passed and my friend Jer rode by--
Flash! A bright object shone, caught her sharp eagle-eye.
Karma, righting its wrongs.

No more fit to clamp down on a crisp lettuce leaf,
The pair found a new home in a wind chime motif
Made of life’s gone-alongs--
Silver Princess House tongs.